Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Look Good…Feel Better

Help out as a Volunteer Cosmetologist

I am sure many of you are aware October is breast cancer awareness month. But, did you know you can use your professional expertise to help the cause rather than lace up some running shoes for a 5K. If you are like me you probably consider running a widespread form of torture. Well great news the American Cancer Society (ACS) has put together a program called Look Good…Feel Better, no running required.

According to the ACS, “The Look Good...Feel Better program is a community-based, free, national service that teaches female cancer patients beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments”.

This is where you licensed professionals come into play. “Our dedicated volunteers provide the remarkable insights, creativity, enthusiasm and dedication that make the Look Good…Feel Better program so meaningful to so many. It is our honor that such an inspiring, impressive group of women and men choose to give their time and caring on so many levels.

In fact, thousands of cosmetologists and other volunteers participate in LGFB group programs each year. All volunteer cosmetologists are trained and certified for LGFB locally by the American Cancer Society — and participate in annual update courses. Workshops are also offered at the local, state and national level to keep the program fresh and keep volunteers in touch with one another”, according to the LGFB website.

For more information on the program and how you can get involved, call
1-800-395-LOOK, or go to www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org.

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